Shrunken Heads

Here I am in my “thinker” pose

Shrunken Heads

Before reading you need to know that it might be hard to read about this and even harder to look at the pictures. I know that it was hard for me to stay in the exhibit in the museum. You also need to know about these spirits:

Wakani- human soul.  Survives death

Arutam- vision or power that protects humans

Muisak- vengeful spirit who comes out when a person who has Arutam is murdered

What is a shrunken head?

A shrunken head is an actual human head that has been shrunken by the process described below.  It was used for religious reasons.  It is called a Tsantsa.  It was sometimes used to scare off enemies.  A shrunken head is never a woman’s or child’s head.

Who shrunk heads?

In the Ecuadorian amazon rainforest, the Shuar and the Achuar tribes used to shrink heads.

Why did they shrink heads?

Not for personal revenge.  To maintain social equilibrium after a murder.  To reestablish the cosmic cycle.  They didn’t want the Muisak spirit to use its vengeful powers.

How did they get the head?

When someone was murdered (victim #1), the victim’s family and the shaman found a warrior called a “tsankram.”  The warrior got authorization to avenge the murder from Arutam.  This authorization took place at a waterfall.  Then the warrior avenged the death.  After the murderer died (victim #2), he went to the space where victim #1 was waiting for him, a sort of after life limbo space.  Also the warrior got victim #2’s powers.  

How did they shrink the heads?

After the warrior killed the murderer, he would run to a river to get the protection of Arutam.  Back at the village, he would fast, smoke tobacco, and consume hallucinogens while completing the process below with the help of a specialist.  They removed the head from the neck and removed all of the skin and fat.  Red seeds were put in the nostrils and the lips were sewn shut.  Then a wooden ball was placed in the skin to keep the head-like shape.  Then the skin and flesh was boiled with herbs that had tannins.  The head was then dried with hot rocks and sand.  They made it so that the head retained its human features.  The skin was then rubbed with charcoal ash to keep the Muisak from getting out.

What happened when foreign collectors wanted to buy shrunken heads?

Foreign collectors created a demand for shrunken heads that was too great for the supply.  The rate of killings increased sharply to make more shrunken heads!  

Are all shrunken heads real?

No, they’re not.  An estimated 80% of shrunken heads in private collections and museums are fake.  They are often made of sloth or monkey.

This is a sloth head

Is it still legal to shrink heads?

No, it is not.  It was banned in the 1930’s along with the trading of heads.

What I thought about the shrunken heads:

It was really creepy to be in the museum exhibit. I don’t recommend going to see them.


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