What We Did and What We Saw

Hello its Robin here. I would like to say that I went to the Galapagos. This is the first thing I learned about:

Darwins thiery of evolushoun.

  1. Darwin thout that spesies changed over time
  2. There was a struggle of igsistans. papulatoin grows faster then its food.
  3. There is natural varyations in babys.
  4. Serton varyations are more likely to servive = fitnis.
  5. Over time the sevivel of the fitnis changes an animal apirens / body.

Now I would like to tell you guys where we went and what we saw.

The fist moment I was in the Galapagos I was on an airplane of course but after that we got into our hotel in San Cristobal island and stuff so we wanted to do some stuff. So we went to a beach called Mann beach for some reason.

These are the animals we saw: sea lions- marine iguana- worbler bird- and thats all.

In the same day we went to a different beach called Corola beach. These  

are the animals we saw: sea lions- lava lizards- marine iguana- manta ray- turtles- worbler bird- crabs- and thats all.

Our first snorkel on Carola beach, we had to walk through the sea lion pups!

Mann Beach


The next day we went to the place called tijeras. In tijeras we had to jump off a lava rock into the water to snorkel and these are the animals we saw: sea turtles- many fish- long fish- big fish- skinny fish- lava lizards- sea lions- and thats all.

the second part of the day we went to the beach named Mann beach again and Corola beach again. These are the animals we saw: big big turtle- a lot of fish- sea loins- and thats all.

Sunset at Carola Beach


The next day we went to the beach called la loberia beach. These are the animals we saw= marine iguanas- sea lions- crabs- lava lizard- a buch of fish-red footed booby- and thats all.

the rest of the day we chilled out.

La Loberia

Marine  iguana 


The next day we went to a lake and a giant tortoise center where they breed ginormous tortoises. These are the animals we saw: tortoises- lava lizards- finches- frigits- and thats all.

the next part of the day we snorkeled a tiny bit on a tiny bity bity beach. These are the animals we saw= sea lions- rays- a lot of fish of many diferent kinds- sea turtle- and thats all.

Puerto Chino Beach

Our first tortoise center


The next day we went to a different island, called Santa Cruz island, on a boat. There we did not see any thing but we did see water!!

The second part of the day we went on kayaks and swam at a beach called the finch beach. 

In those places these are the things we saw: Rays-turtles- fish- pelicans-ducks-finches- sharks- And thats all.

We found all sorts of animals in these tide pools!

And I got to meet up with my friend Rebeca in the Galapagos!


The next day we went to the highlands and these are the animals we saw: Cow egret bird- tortoises in the species of Santa Cruz island- finches- lava lizards- and thats all.

The next part of the day we went to the Charles Darwin Center and in these days we just started living on a boat for 8 days.  Anyway these are the animals we saw= Floreana tortoise- saddle back tortoise- marine iguanas- crabs- finches- eel- millions of fish- and thats all.

Our ship, the Cachalote Explorer

Lots of crabs


The next day we went to sombrero chino a place were there is perfect snorkeling. These are the animals we saw= Galapagos penguins- parrot fish and many more fish- pelican- a tiny bit of a manta ray- hawk- the Galapagos heron- sea lions- sea turtles- sea cucumber- and thats all 

some of that is in different snorkeling.

The separate part of the day we went to Rabida island, went on a hike, and snorkeled.  These are the animals we saw: a million fish- sea lions- sea turtles- star fish- 1 shark- and thats all.

Galápagos penguins!


The next day we went in the very early morning to a place called Tinta and these are the animals we saw=sharks- hawk billed sea turtle- marine iguanas- finches- lava lizards- and thats all. In the morning still we went to Sierra Negra and looked in the crater of a huge volcano.  These are the animals we saw= Galapagos penguins- sea lions- marine iguanas- finches- yellow canary- a lot of fish and thats all.

The next part of the day we went to Puerto Villamil and we also went to the tortoise Center.

These are the animals we saw= giant tortoise- worms- finches- lava lizards- violin crab and thats all.

White tipped reef sharks at Tinta

On the boat!


The next day we went to a place called Elizabeth bay.  These are the animals we saw: sea turtles- rare fish- I cant count how much birds we saw- sea lions- and thats all.

The next part of the day we went to Punta Morena and there these are the animals we saw= sea turtles- rays- G+ fish- flightless Cormorants- blue footed boobies- penguins- big fish- tiny fish- pelicans- brown pelican- spotted eagle ray- black tailed mullet fish- golden rays- black tipped reef sharks- and thats all.

Blue Footed Boobies doing a mating dance

Getting ready to snorkel off the panga


The next day we went to Urbina bay these are the animals we saw= land iguanas- finches- friggits- crabs- mocking bird- tortoises- and thats all.

The next part of the day we went to Tangus bay and did kayaking snorkeling  and hiking so these are the animals we saw= sea lions- flightless cormorants- Eel- G+ fish- turtles- penguins- friggits- crabs- lava lizards- marine iguanas- and thats all.

Land iguana

An acrobatic sea lion

Marine iguanas getting ready to go swimming to eat

Hiking up at Tagus Cove


The next day we went to Punta Espinosa on Fernandina island and we did a snorkel and boat ride so these are the animals we saw= marine iguanas- lava lizards- golden rays- sea turtles- crabs- snake- spiders- octopus- penguins- sting rays and thats all.

The next part of the day we went to Punta Vicente these are the animals we  saw= Galapagos fur seal- sea lions- crabs- blue footed boobies- Nasca boobes- friggit birds- turtles- and thats all.

On the pangs



The next day we went to Santiago island these are the animals we saw: land iguanas- crabs- fur seals- egrets- sea lions- sanderlings- sand pipers- Galapagos dove- oyster catcher- sharks- fish- star fish- sea urchins- sting rays- dolphins- mantas- and thats all.

The next part of the day we went to Bartolome island these are the animals we saw= lava lizards- mantas- dolphins- sea lions- crabs- and thats all.

Santiago Island

Beautiful inland pool

Pretty view from top of San Bartolomé 

San Bartolomé 


The last day in the Galapagos was very sad because we did not do any snorkeling but we did go to the North Semor island these are the animals we saw= frigits- sea lions- crabs- fur seals- and thtas all.

 Male Frigate birds trying to attract a mate

If you ever want to see beautiful scenes and beautiful animals you should go to the Galapagos.

Sunset on the top of the boat

Hasta Luego, Galápagos 


  1. Wonderful collection of animals I have seen 1 or 2 of in my life : you have pretty
    much seen all the animals in the world , all up close and personal.
    Beautiful photos of you and family ! Everyone looks great !

  2. Thank you, Robin! Such beautiful pictures and informative writing.

  3. Robin: from a friend of your parents, Nana and Rocco - this is the coolest list of so many animals, birds and whatever else you introduce us too. I think my favorite is the land iguana, followed by the marine iguana. How did two such interesting reptiles develop? They are so fascinating. Thank you for this wonderful 'encyclopedia' ! irene

  4. Such a wonderful account of your Galapagos adventures, Robin! Love the sea lions and turtles!


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