What you can get for $1

 Hello!!! its Robin here and I would like to tell how many things in Ecuador cost one dollar.

There are so many things in the market that cost exactly one dollar. Me and my mom just went on a trip to the market to see all of the things that we could buy for exactly one dollar. This is what we found:  

4 eggplants

A lot of green beans

About 13 peppers

6 maduros

11 small mangos

11 onions

1 large zucchini 

A lot of tomatoes 

7 peaches

40 limes! That means each lime costs 2.5 cents,

Some cherries

10 maracuya 

A bunch of parsley and cilantro

4 avocados 

6 choclo (Ecuadorian corn)

14 carrots


There are also a lot of other things that you can get for one dollar that is not fruit or vegetables.  Like… plastic junk, a bracelet, ten masks, 20 pages printed for you, jugo de coco, empanadas de viento,  and one high quality alfajor, the most delicious cookies on earth.

I got this “Robin” bracelet and this jugo de coco each for $1.

    So why do all of these things cost exactly one dollar? I’m not sure, but let’s learn about that.  Some ideas that me and my mom have had: maybe it’s all one dollar  because there is a coin that is one dollar. There are A LOT of these coins around. And if the price is exactly one dollar, it would be an easier math and helps them not have to do change and makes it a lot faster to sell stuff. So, instead of charging 2.5 cents for a lime, they just sell 40 for one dollar. And if you don’t want 40 limes, they might give you 20 for 50 cents. 

    Another idea is that lots of things are one dollar because one dollar is pretty cheap, so people buy stuff for one dollar a lot. But since lots of people buy what the person is selling for one dollar, the seller can get a lot of money by adding up all the dollars they get. 

Here’s another question: is one dollar a lot or a tiny bit?

That depends on what you’re buying and who you’re asking.

I feel like it is both a lot and a tiny bit.  One dollar versus a penny it is a lot and versus like 50 dolors it is a tiny bit.

I have a other question is there a difference between one dollar in Ecuador versus  the United States?

I think there is a difference because in Alaska there is nobody selling millions of fruit at the side of the street for one dollar, so I think that in the United States people would be amazed how much fresh food you can buy for a dollar. But in Ecuador, it is normal to have fruit markets and stands with 40 limes for a dollar. But some stuff is more expensive, like anything that does not grow here or anything that is electronic. 

So, my conclusion is that if you ever want to only spend one dollar for fruits and vegetables, come to Ecuador.


  1. This edition of the blog is as fun, interesting, beautiful, educational as the last entries. Keep
    Them coming!!!
    Love, NANA

  2. Robin, your illustrations were inspired and beautiful !
    I love the way you did your analysis both by writing about
    it and showing us such beautiful examples . Your approach
    to the study may help you become a famous professor
    of economics at a large important university somewhere in the world.
    Great Job !

  3. Robin I loved your post! The pictures were great and I have to admit I was jealous not only that you can get so much fresh food for $1, but that you can get so much fresh food! :)

  4. I love this post, such a great idea, Robin.


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