
Showing posts from June, 2022

Two Hearts, Two Places

Two Hearts, Two Places I will miss oversized bottle rockets exploding in the middle of the day and that no one bothers to look.   I will miss Kenny Rogers, the dog two doors down who howls out of tune every time an ambulance passes.   Kenny Rogers I'll miss biking everywhere. I'll miss sidewalks with paw prints and shoe prints and bike tire tracks that memorialize the day the concrete went in.   Cow prints on this one  I will miss people leading cows, waiting for a green light at the crosswalk.   I'll miss sheep nibbling grass in the park. I will miss dogs wandering through the always-open doors of the market.   I'll miss Rasta-Dog. Rasta-Dog I'll miss the flamboyance: cheetah-print shoes, sparkles, pyramids of flowers, plastic Virgin Marys behind glass doors in small huts built all over town. I'll miss the bus drivers who cross themselves every time they pass one of these huts.   Also signs like this: Notice that the baby Jesus is wearing a pink robe.  I'm