
Showing posts from September, 2021

Less is Plenty

                                                     Less  is Plenty Pre-departure Hope time. Definitely going to miss this!      Part of what felt so overwhelming about leaving on this trip is that we have so many things.   2  structures, 3 cars, so many bikes, skis, instruments, tools, sheetrock, gallons of paint… etc… a dog, a hamster, a newt, our bills and services….    Things we don’t need here- a worm farm.    We found homes for our homes.    Made a list for everything else we wanted to re-home for a year and titled it “Beesley lending list.” One by one in the months before we left, items left our possession.    Cosmo, the newt you may know from the highly acclaimed story “Fire Belly,” found himself in the palms of his oldest friend and family.    Now, Cosmo gets to run his chilly little feet along two new sets of tiny palms.          As a casualty of Covid, the first thing to go was my job.    And with it went the act of flying, save for in my dreams.    Even now, one and a half
                                                                                         Busy Breasts                                                                               I was told by my breast surgeon that I have busy breasts. And they are. Constantly running off to meetings and outings with friends. Family engagements and work commitments. Darting this way and that. It’s a miracle they stay attached to my body! But that’s not what she meant. She meant that they are small and fibrous and full of various types of tissues that are hard to image, hard to manage, and at an increased risk of developing breast cancer. I’d rather have the first type of busy breasts. But it’s not up to me. So much is not up to me. I have begun to learn that lesson over the past year.   Most of my life, I’ve lived in a world where I could count on plans that I’ve made. In fact, I would say that I basked in an arrogance of planning. I loved (and still love) dreaming up plans and finding ways to make